Sustainable Finance Towards Climate Action 


Sustainable Finance Towards Climate Action

when 6:30pm where NYUAD Campus, Conference Center who NYU Abu Dhabi Institute
Open to the Public

Sustainable Finance Towards Climate Action 

As we approach COP28, this panel offers a deep dive into the burgeoning world of sustainable finance within the UAE’s thriving hub. Panelists explore the intricate landscape of the sustainable finance ecosystem and the indispensable role of banking institutions in pioneering green finance to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals set for COP. They discuss the UAE’s contributions to this initiative, outline the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, and share cutting-edge insights into current environmental, social, and governance finance research.

Opening Remarks
Arlie Petters, Provost, NYUAD
Rashmi Ghai, Global Head of ESG, Citi's Commercial Bank

Lina Osman, Head of Sustainable Finance, West, Standard Chartered Bank
Medea Nocentini, Chief Operating Officer, Global Ventures
Yassin Yassin, cpa, fcca, Financial Controller, Abu Dhabi Police

Moderated by
Barbara Scheck, Visiting Professor of Business, Organizations and Society, NYUAD


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