Preserving the Past, Embracing Change, Honoring Traditions 


Preserving the Past, Embracing Change, Honoring Traditions

when 6‐7:30pm where NYUAD Campus, Conference Center who NYU Abu Dhabi Institute
Open to the Public

Preserving the Past, Embracing Change, Honoring Traditions 

In a rapidly evolving world, the preservation of cultural heritage serves as a bridge between the past and the future. This talk explores the need for a dynamic interplay of adaptation and continuity within cultural practices and identities in the Gulf and Arab regions. The speaker will discuss how societies in this part of the world can navigate modern challenges by devising policies and projects to safeguard and continue their unique traditions — from innovative and integrated preservation approaches to the revitalization of inter-generational knowledge. Join us as we examine the transformative power of embracing change while steadfastly honoring the timeless values embedded in our shared and diverse cultural legacies in the Arab and Muslim Worlds.

Zaki Aslan, Professor of Practice at the American University of Sharjah, Advisor at the Department of Culture and Tourism, Abu Dhabi, and Former Founding Director of ICCROM-Sharjah

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