(Re)imagining Borders: The Performing Arts in Global Dialogue 


(Re)imagining Borders: The Performing Arts in Global Dialogue

when 6:30‐8pm where Zoom Webinar who NYU Abu Dhabi Institute
Open to the Public

(Re)imagining Borders: The Performing Arts in Global Dialogue 

At a moment when we are confronted by the changing nature and conditions of borders and borderlands, can the performing arts serve as a catalyst for (re)imagining current border logics, shaped not only by long-standing territorial and political disputes but also by the effects of globalization? This panel engages with the meaning of borders not only as physical sites of conflict and contestation but also as cultural and imagined spaces, where competing interests, ideologies, and narratives are brought into dialogue through music, dance, and theater.

Time: 6:30pm Gulf Standard Time
            10:30am Eastern Daylight Time
To access the live stream click here

Joanna Sherman, Founder-Artistic Director Bond Street Theatre
Amal Murkus, Palestinian Singer and Activist
Andy Teirstein, Founder-Director of Translucent Borders; Professor, NYU Tisch

Moderated by
Gwyneth Bravo, Assistant Professor of Music, NYUAD

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