Measuring Ideology in the Middle East: New Directions 


Measuring Ideology in the Middle East: New Directions

when 4‐6pm where 19 Washington Square North who NYU Abu Dhabi Institute in New York
Open to the Public

Measuring Ideology in the Middle East: New Directions 

This panel explores new methods of measuring political ideology in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), bringing together diverse technical and theoretical perspectives and offering new insights into mass and elite political behavior in the region.

Aaron Kaufman, Assistant Professor of Political Science, NYUAD
Tamar Mitts, Assistant Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
Safa Al-Saeedi, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Marist College
Alexandra Siegel, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Colorado Boulder

In conversation with
Alexei Abrahams, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Citizen Lab, McGill University
Solomon Messing, Research Associate Professor, Center for Social Media and Politics, NYU

Organized by
Aaron Kaufman, Assistant Professor of Political Science and 19 WSN Faculty Fellow 2023-2024, NYUAD
Joshua Tucker, Professor of Politics and Director Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, NYU; 19 WSN Faculty Fellow 2023-2024, NYUAD

In collaboration with

19 Washington Square North Faculty Fellows Program

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