The Highly Effective Irrationality of Science 


The Highly Effective Irrationality of Science

when 4:30‐6pm where 19 Washington Square North who NYU Abu Dhabi Institute in New York
Open to the Public

The Highly Effective Irrationality of Science 

Modern science has done amazing things: creating covid vaccines, sending humans to the moon, finding the ultimate nature of light. What makes it so powerful—and so different from the attempts to understand nature made by the philosophers and monks of old? Vaulting from Aristotle to gravitational waves, Michael Strevens argues that much of science’s power derives from an epistemic limitation that can only be understood as irrational. The paradigmatic scientist is a paradigmatic reasoner in many ways, but in at least one way, their perfection as a scientist lies in the deliberate cultivation of a gaping intellectual blind spot.

Michael Strevens, Professor of Philosophy, NYU

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