Children's Literature in Fossil Fuel Culture 


Children's Literature in Fossil Fuel Culture

when 4:30‐6pm where 19 Washington Square North who NYU Abu Dhabi Institute in New York
Open to the Public

Children's Literature in Fossil Fuel Culture 

Children’s Literature in Fossil Fuel Culture considers the ways oil seeps into children’s literature. Many children’s narratives normalize or naturalize the presence of petroleum in our everyday lives, and oil industry actors have long apprehended children’s cultural forms as useful mediums for promoting petroleum, its byproducts, and its so-called wonders. On the other hand, recent children’s titles about climate justice confront the spectacular and slow violences of oil extraction and production, insisting that oil is a necessary context for understanding the multiplicities and inequities of childhood around the world. 

Lara Saguisag, Associate Professor and Georgiou Chair in Children's Literature and Literacy, NYU

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